all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 8NN 4 50.769929 -1.557735
SO41 8NP 0 50.76719 -1.556561
SO41 8NQ 1 50.750251 -1.550299
SO41 8NR 0 50.749909 -1.550303
SO41 8PA 7 50.775725 -1.549601
SO41 8PB 0 50.779388 -1.548233
SO41 8PD 0 50.783248 -1.548721
SO41 8PE 0 50.786445 -1.549876
SO41 8PF 0 50.785187 -1.550177
SO41 8PH 0 50.801438 -1.530056
SO41 8PJ 0 50.796237 -1.549589
SO41 8PL 0 50.794163 -1.557597
SO41 8PN 0 50.795187 -1.564327
SO41 8PP 0 50.792819 -1.55873
SO41 8PQ 0 50.793993 -1.565005
SO41 8PR 0 50.79186 -1.564556
SO41 8PS 0 50.790415 -1.570202
SO41 8PT 3 50.788971 -1.56386
SO41 8YA 0 50.769317 -1.550494
SO41 8YB 0 50.769659 -1.550519