all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

find any address or company within the SO41 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 8QH 10 0 50.750893 -1.558126
SO41 8QZ 3 50.738718 -1.563144
SO41 8QJ 0 50.768844 -1.551562
SO41 8QL 0 50.769499 -1.551201
SO41 8QN 5 1 50.753339 -1.560471
SO41 8WF 1 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 8XS 0 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 8XD 0 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 8QF 3 3 50.770329 -1.544945
SO41 8QP 0 50.770111 -1.551385
SO41 8QQ 0 50.758775 -1.568975
SO41 8QR 0 50.758868 -1.567329