all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 8DB 0 50.751631 -1.565533
SO41 8DD 0 50.751318 -1.566032
SO41 8DE 0 50.755585 -1.55037
SO41 8DF 1 50.751588 -1.551698
SO41 8DG 0 50.752634 -1.552587
SO41 8DH 2 50.750543 -1.553721
SO41 8DJ 2 50.750557 -1.554969
SO41 8DL 0 50.749294 -1.556171
SO41 8DN 1 50.747723 -1.559347
SO41 8DP 0 50.747313 -1.562682
SO41 8DQ 0 50.74879 -1.560754
SO41 8DR 0 50.750952 -1.561741
SO41 8DS 0 50.749868 -1.553572
SO41 8DT 0 50.749273 -1.560098
SO41 8DU 7 50.749355 -1.558056
SO41 8DW 7 50.74961 -1.556622
SO41 8DX 4 50.750439 -1.557053
SO41 8DY 0 50.75134 -1.557328
SO41 8DZ 0 50.750302 -1.558756
SO41 8EA 2 50.752798 -1.557768