all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0TT 1 50.733699 -1.577474
SO41 0TU 0 50.733948 -1.584507
SO41 0TW 0 50.735906 -1.583766
SO41 0TY 0 50.743182 -1.586374
SO41 0TZ 0 50.723782 -1.568397
SO41 0UA 0 50.745201 -1.592947
SO41 0UB 0 50.727666 -1.588033
SO41 0UD 0 50.748725 -1.589883
SO41 0UE 0 50.748748 -1.588763
SO41 0UF 0 50.748534 -1.591969
SO41 0UG 0 50.727276 -1.597325
SO41 0UH 0 50.725003 -1.582681
SO41 0UJ 0 50.726797 -1.601947
SO41 0UL 0 50.756821 -1.619896
SO41 0UN 0 50.721742 -1.568572
SO41 0UQ 1 50.72255 -1.580669
SO41 0UR 0 50.723806 -1.592515
SO41 0UT 0 50.725632 -1.605797
SO41 0UU 0 50.725219 -1.605984
SO41 0UW 0 50.725227 -1.605602