all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0ZJ 0 50.744185 -1.592885
SO41 0ZL 0 50.744664 -1.590939
SO41 0ZN 0 50.743971 -1.590846
SO41 0ZP 0 50.744102 -1.589683
SO41 0ZR 0 50.744025 -1.585843
SO41 0FT 0 50.757426 -1.612462
SO41 0EX 0 50.745058 -1.588016
SO41 0YX 1 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 0XL 3 0 50.722779 -1.594615
SO41 0EB 4 0 50.722388 -1.588158
SO41 0XW 1 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 0XP 1 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 0FS 0 50.761369 -1.624736
SO41 0FR 0 50.723468 -1.590855
SO41 0EY 6 0 50.757956 -1.626047
SO41 0ED 13 50.740106 -1.571385
SO41 0AF 10 0 50.725766 -1.584672
SO41 0EQ 6 0 50.723703 -1.588798
SO41 0AG 8 0 50.758823 -1.618873
SO41 0AN 8 0 50.723919 -1.59146