all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

find any address or company within the SO41 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0JR 17 0 50.746442 -1.590399
SO41 0JS 14 0 50.745853 -1.588993
SO41 0JT 4 0 50.744712 -1.589429
SO41 0JU 11 0 50.744513 -1.588956
SO41 0JW 6 0 50.745591 -1.591115
SO41 0JX 11 0 50.746439 -1.59716
SO41 0JY 39 1 50.747633 -1.59389
SO41 0JZ 11 1 50.745034 -1.596612
SO41 0LA 35 14 50.741694 -1.61403
SO41 0LB 3 0 50.74059 -1.614826
SO41 0LD 5 0 50.74561 -1.594219
SO41 0LF 2 0 50.741101 -1.619775
SO41 0LG 22 0 50.737377 -1.619436
SO41 0LH 11 4 50.735203 -1.617343
SO41 0LJ 4 0 50.734187 -1.628616
SO41 0LL 32 0 50.746402 -1.594227
SO41 0LN 29 0 50.746694 -1.595486
SO41 0LP 7 0 50.74666 -1.593416
SO41 0LQ 15 0 50.74697 -1.592011
SO41 0LR 8 0 50.746238 -1.5913