all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

find any address or company within the SO41 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0NS 10 0 50.724532 -1.602165
SO41 0NU 2 0 50.727129 -1.61235
SO41 0NW 6 0 50.730332 -1.618169
SO41 0XS 28 0 50.729624 -1.619053
SO41 0NX 14 0 50.726721 -1.61137
SO41 0NY 26 0 50.727638 -1.611334
SO41 0NZ 16 0 50.729229 -1.613701
SO41 0PB 13 0 50.731307 -1.605876
SO41 0PD 17 0 50.72931 -1.60024
SO41 0PE 28 0 50.728632 -1.602088
SO41 0PF 12 0 50.724115 -1.598485
SO41 0PG 49 4 50.722429 -1.589518
SO41 0PH 27 2 50.722245 -1.588485
SO41 0PJ 14 0 50.723019 -1.591099
SO41 0PL 15 1 50.724039 -1.592082
SO41 0PN 6 0 50.724521 -1.593735
SO41 0PP 17 0 50.72568 -1.598599
SO41 0PQ 20 0 50.726055 -1.597817
SO41 0PR 31 0 50.725559 -1.600236
SO41 0PT 43 2 50.723796 -1.600109