all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0QU 30 1 50.726054 -1.587233
SO41 0QW 22 0 50.724807 -1.585607
SO41 0QX 47 0 50.724561 -1.582323
SO41 0QY 33 6 50.724261 -1.583736
SO41 0QZ 29 0 50.725501 -1.585907
SO41 0RA 40 0 50.726467 -1.584595
SO41 0RB 41 0 50.726781 -1.584224
SO41 0RD 9 0 50.727336 -1.586188
SO41 0RE 38 0 50.726157 -1.58328
SO41 0RF 5 3 50.73551 -1.588659
SO41 0RG 18 1 50.731908 -1.592453
SO41 0RH 38 0 50.731218 -1.590623
SO41 0RJ 11 0 50.73092 -1.592731
SO41 0RL 12 0 50.726665 -1.59495
SO41 0RN 8 0 50.730116 -1.596663
SO41 0RP 30 0 50.72732 -1.594476
SO41 0RQ 3 0 50.730078 -1.59623
SO41 0RR 31 2 50.734797 -1.598209
SO41 0RS 19 0 50.73108 -1.597391
SO41 0RT 14 0 50.729807 -1.598578