all postcodes in SO42 / BROCKENHURST

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SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
SO42 7QU050.82003-1.578107
SO42 7QW050.819848-1.592682
SO42 7QX050.81984-1.575122
SO42 7QY050.818522-1.594057
SO42 7QZ050.820794-1.595797
SO42 7RA1150.819597-1.577799
SO42 7RB1050.819049-1.577903
SO42 7RD150.820161-1.577078
SO42 7RE050.821224-1.575138
SO42 7RF050.820393-1.573967
SO42 7RG150.823179-1.573573
SO42 7RH350.820788-1.571442
SO42 7RJ050.819379-1.572151
SO42 7RL1150.818775-1.571852
SO42 7RN050.819493-1.571321
SO42 7RP050.819293-1.57314
SO42 7RQ050.819932-1.570911
SO42 7RR750.818647-1.573614
SO42 7RS050.818004-1.574812
SO42 7RT050.816956-1.576028