all postcodes in SO45 / SOUTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO45 1SP 9 0 50.807942 -1.376693
SO45 1SQ 23 0 50.828165 -1.350043
SO45 1SR 5 0 50.816623 -1.374112
SO45 1TW 1 1 50.818157 -1.328008
SO45 1TX 1 1 50.830689 -1.354495
SO45 1UB 8 6 50.816992 -1.370752
SO45 1UT 1 1 50.867442 -1.399935
SO45 1UZ 5 0 50.818528 -1.37367
SO45 1WA 30 1 50.81831 -1.369996
SO45 1WB 9 0 50.818788 -1.368599
SO45 1WD 21 4 50.818748 -1.37114
SO45 1WE 32 11 50.817369 -1.372153
SO45 1WF 20 0 50.816006 -1.37122
SO45 1WG 20 0 50.815673 -1.372814
SO45 1WH 26 0 50.815871 -1.369603
SO45 1WJ 8 0 50.815345 -1.372151
SO45 1WL 16 0 50.814693 -1.371323
SO45 1WN 41 0 50.813612 -1.371001
SO45 1GD 13 0 50.813993 -1.369771
SO45 1WP 12 0 50.814185 -1.373686