all postcodes in SO50 / EASTLEIGH

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO50 4GE 0 50.978453 -1.35241
SO50 4GF 0 50.978722 -1.352349
SO50 4GG 0 50.97968 -1.351481
SO50 4GH 0 50.980926 -1.350808
SO50 4GJ 0 50.98033 -1.350304
SO50 4GL 0 50.980015 -1.350351
SO50 4GN 0 50.979237 -1.351088
SO50 4GP 0 50.978433 -1.350473
SO50 4GQ 0 50.978759 -1.350796
SO50 4GR 0 50.978117 -1.350249
SO50 4GS 0 50.978078 -1.351346
SO50 4GT 0 50.976941 -1.352274
SO50 4GU 0 50.975978 -1.352173
SO50 4GW 0 50.976069 -1.350676
SO50 4GX 0 50.975676 -1.351195
SO50 4GY 0 50.975517 -1.351695
SO50 4GZ 0 50.977044 -1.35129
SO50 4HA 0 50.97705 -1.350791
SO50 4HB 1 50.971995 -1.350662
SO50 4HD 2 50.974135 -1.350757