all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 5BJ 16 0 50.988747 -1.476059
SO51 5BL 12 0 50.985748 -1.482651
SO51 5BN 26 0 50.990647 -1.482791
SO51 5BP 30 0 50.990852 -1.480296
SO51 5BQ 34 0 50.991167 -1.480378
SO51 5EG 16 0 50.989761 -1.483727
SO51 5EH 8 0 50.989487 -1.48061
SO51 5FY 6 0 50.989571 -1.481393
SO51 5FZ 4 0 50.9892 -1.480841
SO51 5GX 6 0 50.989301 -1.48141
SO51 5HS 37 1 50.986198 -1.483168
SO51 5HW 9 0 50.98617 -1.485049
SO51 5HZ 24 0 50.986927 -1.483246
SO51 5PF 12 0 50.985643 -1.483265
SO51 5PG 11 0 50.987528 -1.483054
SO51 5PH 20 0 50.987878 -1.472749
SO51 5PL 49 0 50.987865 -1.471795
SO51 5PP 6 0 50.991304 -1.470844
SO51 5PQ 30 0 50.991926 -1.471122
SO51 5PR 8 0 50.991574 -1.470784