all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 8AA 15 9 50.989741 -1.491364
SO51 8AB 31 0 50.989239 -1.491669
SO51 8AD 3 0 50.989369 -1.490699
SO51 8AE 50 0 50.988421 -1.491792
SO51 8AF 18 6 50.988508 -1.489155
SO51 8AG 31 0 50.990023 -1.492031
SO51 8AH 6 0 50.989884 -1.497504
SO51 8AJ 13 0 50.986181 -1.49988
SO51 8AL 13 0 50.987867 -1.498879
SO51 8AN 1 1 50.990865 -1.495555
SO51 8AQ 1 1 50.990032 -1.500466
SO51 8AS 1 1 50.989998 -1.496818
SO51 8BF 1 1 50.988377 -1.49836
SO51 8BR 21 0 50.989578 -1.495341
SO51 8BS 6 0 50.989682 -1.494428
SO51 8BT 23 11 50.990399 -1.499991
SO51 8BU 30 5 50.990283 -1.500306
SO51 8BW 15 12 50.989051 -1.498296
SO51 8BX 43 15 50.988826 -1.496076
SO51 8BY 9 4 50.988931 -1.493325