all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 8JD 18 0 50.989653 -1.487675
SO51 8JE 20 0 50.990901 -1.487177
SO51 8JF 27 2 50.990736 -1.486552
SO51 8JG 7 7 50.991476 -1.499681
SO51 8JH 4 0 50.990788 -1.500077
SO51 8JJ 3 3 50.987722 -1.496572
SO51 8JL 4 0 50.990199 -1.48887
SO51 8JN 8 0 50.990184 -1.49807
SO51 8JQ 8 4 50.990192 -1.499937
SO51 8LZ 35 0 50.986528 -1.499007
SO51 8NA 25 17 50.989175 -1.499439
SO51 8NB 14 6 50.989096 -1.500305
SO51 8NE 7 0 50.988174 -1.501226
SO51 8NG 1 1 50.989628 -1.500541
SO51 8PA 12 0 50.99507 -1.467999
SO51 8PB 39 0 50.994536 -1.469582
SO51 8PD 51 0 50.993877 -1.470915
SO51 8PE 50 0 50.993006 -1.471366
SO51 8PJ 20 6 50.987488 -1.498612
SO51 8PN 53 0 50.98935 -1.472206