all postcodes in SO53 / EASTLEIGH

find any address or company within the SO53 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO53 5RP 0 51.000828 -1.382667
SO53 5RQ 0 51.000429 -1.383642
SO53 5RR 0 51.001138 -1.382004
SO53 5RS 0 51.001519 -1.382345
SO53 5RT 0 51.002057 -1.380428
SO53 5RU 0 51.001729 -1.381301
SO53 5RW 2 50.99977 -1.386924
SO53 5RY 0 50.998423 -1.399411
SO53 5RZ 0 50.998996 -1.399019
SO53 5SL 0 50.998987 -1.361415
SO53 5SN 0 50.999992 -1.366229
SO53 5SP 0 51.001476 -1.370844
SO53 5SQ 0 50.99613 -1.371786
SO53 5SR 0 50.995709 -1.370466
SO53 5SS 12 50.995994 -1.369864
SO53 5ST 0 50.995138 -1.367994
SO53 5SU 0 50.994744 -1.368285
SO53 5SW 0 50.994391 -1.366377
SO53 5SY 0 50.994125 -1.366882
SO53 5YY 1 50.977649 -1.36648