all postcodes in SO53 / EASTLEIGH

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
SO53 1FE050.992958-1.368893
SO53 1FF050.993864-1.36882
SO53 1FG050.993715-1.367558
SO53 1FH050.992323-1.37121
SO53 1FJ050.992194-1.372366
SO53 1FL050.992685-1.373314
SO53 1FN050.991008-1.37111
SO53 1FP050.991162-1.376266
SO53 1FQ050.992133-1.369261
SO53 1FR050.99124-1.373818
SO53 1GA050.991527-1.382445
SO53 1GB050.991176-1.382097
SO53 1GD050.992366-1.380956
SO53 1GF050.991965-1.380021
SO53 1GG050.990661-1.381591
SO53 1GH050.990923-1.381915
SO53 1GJ050.990135-1.382567
SO53 1GL050.990792-1.382672
SO53 1GN050.990398-1.383187
SO53 1GP050.9906-1.385706