all postcodes in SO / Southampton

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District

SO / Southampton

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO14 0HH 1 50.91792 -1.39186
SO14 0JY 11 50.91917 -1.393551
SO14 0JZ 9 50.917982 -1.395183
SO14 0LB 0 50.913107 -1.400216
SO14 0LD 1 50.913672 -1.399976
SO14 0LE 0 50.913492 -1.39995
SO14 0LF 0 50.913693 -1.400573
SO14 0LG 13 50.913968 -1.399764
SO14 0LH 1 50.914334 -1.399204
SO14 0LJ 0 50.91469 -1.396739
SO14 0LL 0 50.914402 -1.396652
SO14 0LN 0 50.914617 -1.394734
SO14 0LP 0 50.914338 -1.394818
SO14 0LQ 0 50.914188 -1.397025
SO14 0LR 1 50.913936 -1.397142
SO14 0LS 0 50.913692 -1.394997
SO14 0LT 1 50.913988 -1.394979
SO14 0LU 0 50.913638 -1.396733
SO14 0LW 0 50.913687 -1.397572
SO14 0LX 1 50.913503 -1.398499