all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 1QT 0 51.076836 -1.773558
SP1 1QU 0 51.079208 -1.772676
SP1 1QW 0 51.075923 -1.775761
SP1 1QX 3 51.078211 -1.772937
SP1 1QY 1 51.081141 -1.772052
SP1 1QZ 1 51.082855 -1.770502
SP1 1RB 0 51.085314 -1.768049
SP1 1RD 1 51.080186 -1.771372
SP1 1RE 1 51.079719 -1.771745
SP1 1RG 0 51.07492 -1.773039
SP1 1RH 0 51.07625 -1.772761
SP1 1RJ 0 51.076106 -1.772405
SP1 1RL 0 51.075574 -1.772094
SP1 1RN 0 51.075832 -1.77048
SP1 1RP 0 51.074522 -1.772042
SP1 1RQ 1 51.075432 -1.772851
SP1 1RR 0 51.074981 -1.771954
SP1 1RS 0 51.073929 -1.772387
SP1 1RU 0 51.083037 -1.7716
SP1 1RW 0 51.075193 -1.770283