all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 2LP 15 13 51.065787 -1.784172
SP1 2LU 36 0 51.067567 -1.788988
SP1 2LW 1 1 51.064561 -1.787546
SP1 2LX 8 8 51.068769 -1.797417
SP1 2LZ 1 1 51.068833 -1.797802
SP1 2NB 3 3 51.064667 -1.779944
SP1 2ND 2 2 51.068503 -1.797794
SP1 2NE 12 6 51.068687 -1.796847
SP1 2NG 10 8 51.068426 -1.796676
SP1 2NH 2 2 51.068304 -1.79711
SP1 2NJ 10 8 51.067672 -1.797279
SP1 2NN 1 1 51.06751 -1.797337
SP1 2NP 1 1 51.068517 -1.797504
SP1 2NT 11 8 51.067667 -1.797769
SP1 2NW 5 3 51.068338 -1.797533
SP1 2NY 11 11 51.062551 -1.775454
SP1 2NZ 5 5 51.06303 -1.776322
SP1 2PB 12 6 51.067169 -1.797495
SP1 2PD 1 1 51.067007 -1.797525
SP1 2PF 9 6 51.067178 -1.797838