all postcodes in SP11 / ANDOVER

find any address or company within the SP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 7JL 3 0 51.169212 -1.439362
SP11 7JN 2 0 51.169927 -1.437552
SP11 7JP 11 5 51.171417 -1.432341
SP11 7JQ 8 0 51.166266 -1.443745
SP11 7JR 1 0 51.165639 -1.434943
SP11 7JS 33 0 51.164361 -1.447844
SP11 7JT 3 0 51.160978 -1.451259
SP11 7JU 3 0 51.159436 -1.454238
SP11 7JW 1 0 51.171224 -1.433187
SP11 7JX 6 2 51.155826 -1.458244
SP11 7JY 8 0 51.156032 -1.458997
SP11 7JZ 4 0 51.153748 -1.457982
SP11 7LA 11 0 51.151844 -1.463292
SP11 7LB 4 0 51.15259 -1.461382
SP11 7LD 4 0 51.151183 -1.462313
SP11 7LE 8 0 51.165131 -1.482459
SP11 7LF 9 6 51.164993 -1.481889
SP11 7LG 2 0 51.167154 -1.443263
SP11 7LH 3 0 51.192882 -1.512186
SP11 7LJ 1 0 51.15139 -1.488475