all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 6JJ 4 2 51.239512 -1.456471
SP11 6JL 9 0 51.239017 -1.455332
SP11 6JN 6 0 51.240074 -1.453729
SP11 6JP 5 3 51.222043 -1.474863
SP11 6JQ 3 0 51.253642 -1.453482
SP11 6JR 27 0 51.24606 -1.474761
SP11 6JS 1 1 51.24398 -1.47414
SP11 6JT 14 0 51.24078 -1.474363
SP11 6JU 1 0 51.236974 -1.452233
SP11 6JW 8 0 51.237038 -1.458234
SP11 6JX 7 0 51.241364 -1.474256
SP11 6JY 8 0 51.246172 -1.475605
SP11 6LA 2 1 51.204567 -1.464928
SP11 6LF 15 1 51.205579 -1.449513
SP11 6LB 2 0 51.204466 -1.454709
SP11 6LE 9 3 51.194795 -1.450829
SP11 6LG 6 0 51.202257 -1.444801
SP11 6LH 35 0 51.211944 -1.449208
SP11 6LJ 53 22 51.214058 -1.428681
SP11 6LL 2 0 51.217346 -1.408853