all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 2EL 41 1 51.063725 -1.797639
SP1 2EN 19 6 51.064061 -1.799735
SP1 2EP 1 1 51.0631 -1.800039
SP1 2EQ 1 1 51.063758 -1.796098
SP1 2ER 1 0 51.061678 -1.799503
SP1 2ES 3 0 51.062268 -1.797774
SP1 2EX 1 1 51.066228 -1.799654
SP1 2EY 49 0 51.064865 -1.801558
SP1 2EZ 34 0 51.065033 -1.799888
SP1 2HA 29 0 51.064095 -1.793099
SP1 2HB 12 0 51.065083 -1.792966
SP1 2HD 17 0 51.064597 -1.792469
SP1 2HE 27 0 51.064839 -1.791869
SP1 2HF 7 0 51.064414 -1.790943
SP1 2HH 18 0 51.063545 -1.792474
SP1 2HJ 12 0 51.064228 -1.792357
SP1 2HL 21 0 51.062647 -1.792963
SP1 2HN 20 0 51.062448 -1.792579
SP1 2HP 27 0 51.063678 -1.791474
SP1 2HR 17 1 51.064298 -1.791343