all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3BH 42 0 51.076994 -1.790915
SP1 3BJ 11 0 51.078223 -1.789054
SP1 3BL 6 4 51.081155 -1.789526
SP1 3BN 34 1 51.079581 -1.789119
SP1 3BP 12 0 51.08062 -1.791727
SP1 3BQ 1 1 51.076587 -1.789561
SP1 3BS 10 0 51.079738 -1.791673
SP1 3BT 21 0 51.07823 -1.792879
SP1 3BU 20 0 51.077942 -1.792724
SP1 3BW 13 0 51.080204 -1.790529
SP1 3BX 16 0 51.078703 -1.790936
SP1 3BY 20 0 51.078572 -1.793263
SP1 3BZ 25 0 51.078825 -1.793976
SP1 3DA 14 0 51.077667 -1.79488
SP1 3DB 51 0 51.077456 -1.792512
SP1 3DD 9 0 51.077582 -1.787558
SP1 3DG 12 0 51.076662 -1.786163
SP1 3DH 6 0 51.075126 -1.786827
SP1 3DJ 20 0 51.076953 -1.787661
SP1 3DL 25 0 51.075645 -1.785825