all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3UE 20 0 51.072841 -1.796671
SP1 3UH 25 4 51.072041 -1.794696
SP1 3UP 11 0 51.071486 -1.793309
SP1 3UR 7 0 51.071593 -1.792552
SP1 3UT 42 3 51.071406 -1.793695
SP1 3UW 22 0 51.071664 -1.791738
SP1 3UZ 1 1 51.072337 -1.79105
SP1 3WA 28 0 51.090699 -1.786341
SP1 3WB 5 0 51.090961 -1.78694
SP1 3WD 4 0 51.09105 -1.786482
SP1 3WE 72 1 51.074532 -1.797078
SP1 3WF 10 0 51.074479 -1.797592
SP1 3WS 23 0 51.090488 -1.779031
SP1 3WT 9 0 51.091024 -1.780089
SP1 3WU 8 0 51.090812 -1.779244
SP1 3WX 47 0 51.090232 -1.775381
SP1 3WY 14 0 51.089966 -1.774436
SP1 3WZ 14 0 51.089637 -1.776237
SP1 3XH 1 1 51.071252 -1.803601
SP1 3XZ 12 0 51.088094 -1.778243