all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
SP1 1LA051.070903-1.783763
SP1 1LB051.070518-1.784907
SP1 1LD051.070724-1.784506
SP1 1LE051.07048-1.783979
SP1 1LG051.070709-1.785719
SP1 1LH051.071542-1.784345
SP1 1LJ151.07281-1.784525
SP1 1LN051.073911-1.786461
SP1 1LP051.074296-1.785403
SP1 1LQ051.071687-1.784973
SP1 1LR151.074599-1.78416
SP1 1LS051.072961-1.783425
SP1 1LT151.073863-1.784549
SP1 1LW051.071746-1.782931
SP1 1LY251.071918-1.788197
SP1 1NA051.069676-1.786324
SP1 1NB051.069945-1.786037
SP1 1ND051.069894-1.786256
SP1 1NE051.069995-1.787012
SP1 1NF051.069388-1.786225