all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 1NN 4 51.207548 -1.478935
SP10 1NS 8 51.218211 -1.475309
SP10 1NT 1 51.207656 -1.478934
SP10 1NW 1 51.207333 -1.478966
SP10 1NX 8 51.206793 -1.478944
SP10 1NY 1 51.206879 -1.47893
SP10 1PA 24 51.207845 -1.477932
SP10 1PB 1 51.207078 -1.478397
SP10 1PD 2 51.207156 -1.478584
SP10 1PH 0 51.211799 -1.462438
SP10 1PJ 0 51.212328 -1.462246
SP10 1PL 0 51.212442 -1.461429
SP10 1PN 0 51.211813 -1.461579
SP10 1PP 0 51.210614 -1.460949
SP10 1PR 0 51.21114 -1.459983
SP10 1PS 0 51.210323 -1.460322
SP10 1PT 0 51.210891 -1.45854
SP10 1PU 0 51.211192 -1.459596
SP10 1PW 0 51.211372 -1.461584
SP10 1PX 0 51.212646 -1.460896