all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 2DJ 0 51.202722 -1.471404
SP10 2DL 0 51.199444 -1.474375
SP10 2DN 0 51.199595 -1.472887
SP10 2DP 0 51.198869 -1.469546
SP10 2DQ 0 51.200326 -1.474537
SP10 2DR 2 51.200123 -1.475427
SP10 2DS 0 51.199846 -1.475745
SP10 2DT 0 51.20073 -1.472428
SP10 2DW 0 51.199057 -1.474265
SP10 2DY 0 51.19905 -1.472619
SP10 2EA 18 51.205973 -1.478653
SP10 2ED 1 51.205752 -1.479528
SP10 2EF 1 51.199829 -1.48001
SP10 2EG 3 51.203753 -1.478735
SP10 2EH 0 51.200179 -1.477745
SP10 2EJ 0 51.202043 -1.480529
SP10 2EL 0 51.201226 -1.480667
SP10 2EN 0 51.201393 -1.481925
SP10 2EP 0 51.198523 -1.481656
SP10 2EQ 0 51.201872 -1.478384