all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 2QJ 0 51.206789 -1.469969
SP10 2QL 0 51.207128 -1.469449
SP10 2QP 0 51.208697 -1.470333
SP10 2QQ 0 51.206671 -1.470644
SP10 2QR 0 51.209147 -1.45879
SP10 2QS 0 51.208472 -1.460444
SP10 2QT 0 51.209041 -1.461096
SP10 2QU 0 51.208871 -1.47119
SP10 2QW 0 51.207494 -1.470891
SP10 2QY 0 51.209242 -1.463828
SP10 2QZ 0 51.210731 -1.456982
SP10 2RA 0 51.205492 -1.485615
SP10 2RB 0 51.201433 -1.472793
SP10 2RE 0 51.206958 -1.473517
SP10 2RF 0 51.20669 -1.474064
SP10 2RG 0 51.20772 -1.473193
SP10 2RH 0 51.200016 -1.48174
SP10 2RJ 0 51.202859 -1.477943
SP10 2RL 0 51.207358 -1.472539
SP10 2RN 0 51.2054 -1.477099