all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 2UQ 0 51.199869 -1.497514
SP10 2FL 4 0 51.210195 -1.457847
SP10 2DU 39 0 51.20445 -1.477897
SP10 2GZ 17 0 51.205744 -1.47771
SP10 2GY 0 51.205008 -1.483031
SP10 2FE 20 0 51.20356 -1.479982
SP10 2FF 0 51.199719 -1.478625
SP10 2FG 12 0 51.205498 -1.474879
SP10 2FN 13 0 51.205288 -1.488423
SP10 2FR 0 51.204945 -1.47583
SP10 2GJ 52 0 51.205473 -1.487476
SP10 2FW 0 51.199602 -1.48153
SP10 2GD 15 0 51.206335 -1.471105
SP10 2RW 3 3 51.203724 -1.482328
SP10 2FS 18 0 51.204641 -1.48445
SP10 2FT 7 0 51.204939 -1.484633
SP10 2RR 0 51.207658 -1.466281
SP10 2FQ 8 0 51.204762 -1.478081
SP10 2FU 0 51.201787 -1.475408
SP10 2FX 0 51.204752 -1.47307