all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3EE 0 51.209432 -1.500488
SP10 3EF 0 51.207807 -1.496941
SP10 3EG 0 51.209393 -1.487361
SP10 3EH 0 51.21013 -1.489285
SP10 3EJ 0 51.209165 -1.490828
SP10 3EL 4 51.210538 -1.492115
SP10 3EN 0 51.209188 -1.491901
SP10 3EP 0 51.208089 -1.493588
SP10 3EQ 0 51.209107 -1.487879
SP10 3ER 0 51.209036 -1.49425
SP10 3ES 0 51.210007 -1.494082
SP10 3ET 0 51.209204 -1.494566
SP10 3EU 1 51.208526 -1.49679
SP10 3EW 0 51.209598 -1.49317
SP10 3EX 1 51.209422 -1.496179
SP10 3EY 0 51.20922 -1.497326
SP10 3EZ 0 51.21007 -1.498376
SP10 3FA 0 51.21098 -1.488302
SP10 3FD 0 51.206163 -1.482859
SP10 3FG 59 51.217332 -1.506977