all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3UB 11 0 51.207255 -1.49835
SP10 3UD 13 0 51.206999 -1.49944
SP10 3UE 25 0 51.206369 -1.499232
SP10 3UF 8 0 51.203965 -1.500532
SP10 3UG 11 0 51.203924 -1.499531
SP10 3UH 31 0 51.20437 -1.498667
SP10 3UJ 22 0 51.204848 -1.501081
SP10 3UL 16 0 51.204724 -1.499365
SP10 3UN 17 0 51.203935 -1.497856
SP10 3UP 22 0 51.205043 -1.500363
SP10 3UQ 23 0 51.204065 -1.500918
SP10 3UR 9 9 51.21562 -1.518002
SP10 3UT 20 0 51.215439 -1.482068
SP10 3UU 32 0 51.215237 -1.481082
SP10 3UW 1 1 51.218248 -1.507852
SP10 3UX 8 8 51.212429 -1.518279
SP10 3UY 24 0 51.211378 -1.48588
SP10 3UZ 4 0 51.215437 -1.495984
SP10 3WA 16 0 51.206086 -1.500338
SP10 3WE 39 0 51.206084 -1.508482