all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3RD 0 51.206531 -1.482812
SP10 3NN 0 51.208166 -1.501017
SP10 3ZF 0 51.215772 -1.484054
SP10 3ZG 0 51.209903 -1.512035
SP10 3TY 1 51.213732 -1.522589
SP10 3QY 1 0 51.205428 -1.497926
SP10 3FB 1 51.213984 -1.518291
SP10 3NZ 6 0 51.214087 -1.489385
SP10 3TU 2 51.215468 -1.514914
SP10 3ZL 6 51.212459 -1.515762
SP10 3ZP 17 0 51.211259 -1.497779
SP10 3GT 26 0 51.211243 -1.495099
SP10 3YJ 7 0 51.207056 -1.48355
SP10 3YL 28 0 51.207045 -1.482949
SP10 3FL 10 0 51.2131 -1.50569
SP10 4AA 2 1 51.222264 -1.510246
SP10 4AB 4 1 51.225626 -1.509033
SP10 4AD 2 0 51.22528 -1.508911
SP10 4AE 4 0 51.219106 -1.500311
SP10 4AF 64 0 51.219545 -1.499963