all postcodes in SP4 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP4 7DR 6 4 51.173358 -1.778994
SP4 7DT 10 0 51.172717 -1.777338
SP4 7DW 17 1 51.174467 -1.780562
SP4 7DX 14 0 51.175487 -1.777682
SP4 7DY 49 1 51.175799 -1.776364
SP4 7DZ 13 0 51.177511 -1.773209
SP4 7EA 2 0 51.179601 -1.76881
SP4 7EB 6 2 51.182669 -1.771839
SP4 7EE 18 0 51.176692 -1.773256
SP4 7EF 9 0 51.175891 -1.772544
SP4 7EG 29 0 51.177426 -1.771407
SP4 7EP 6 0 51.17549 -1.779012
SP4 7EQ 18 1 51.17694 -1.770908
SP4 7ER 30 0 51.174322 -1.779776
SP4 7ES 11 5 51.172353 -1.782377
SP4 7ET 21 9 51.173015 -1.780829
SP4 7EU 16 5 51.171608 -1.783296
SP4 7EW 1 1 51.174436 -1.778044
SP4 7EX 37 1 51.175276 -1.785078
SP4 7EZ 1 1 51.172159 -1.78186