all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 1ST 7 6 51.101676 -1.709953
SP5 1SU 4 0 51.094432 -1.726477
SP5 1SW 33 0 51.099633 -1.702097
SP5 1SX 6 1 51.09055 -1.674583
SP5 1SY 20 0 51.100187 -1.700708
SP5 1SZ 26 0 51.096227 -1.65982
SP5 1TB 5 0 51.094933 -1.644979
SP5 1TH 10 0 51.069608 -1.610105
SP5 1TN 32 0 51.095092 -1.652974
SP5 1UT 1 0 51.057258 -1.582914
SP5 1UY 1 1 51.071252 -1.803601
SP5 1EE 0 51.080902 -1.700422
SP5 1ET 13 51.037603 -1.622428
SP5 1ES 0 51.033602 -1.626266
SP5 1BD 1 0 51.079177 -1.594765
SP5 1BF 0 51.097003 -1.659775