all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 4DQ 0 51.032841 -1.897114
SP5 4DR 1 51.052169 -1.758998
SP5 4DS 1 51.049427 -1.777829
SP5 4DT 0 51.048814 -1.775183
SP5 4DU 0 51.051748 -1.771759
SP5 4DX 0 51.053848 -1.77123
SP5 4DY 0 51.054161 -1.778082
SP5 4DZ 1 51.045698 -1.760914
SP5 4EA 0 51.046704 -1.773562
SP5 4ED 1 51.039601 -1.756182
SP5 4EE 0 51.040797 -1.760626
SP5 4EF 0 51.039126 -1.756983
SP5 4EG 0 51.040775 -1.758886
SP5 4EN 0 51.035202 -1.763027
SP5 4EH 0 51.037483 -1.774781
SP5 4EJ 1 51.037341 -1.776037
SP5 4EL 0 51.037416 -1.774035
SP5 4EQ 1 51.034886 -1.766494
SP5 4ER 0 51.035044 -1.761739
SP5 4ES 0 51.035332 -1.761566