all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 5QA 1 50.955818 -2.071406
SP5 5QB 1 50.969853 -2.063431
SP5 5QD 1 50.965343 -2.067988
SP5 5QE 0 50.968504 -2.065039
SP5 5QF 0 50.984711 -2.053286
SP5 5QG 0 50.97474 -2.096696
SP5 5QH 0 51.025549 -1.957786
SP5 5QJ 0 50.954716 -2.000148
SP5 5QL 0 50.95459 -2.001116
SP5 5QN 0 50.953889 -2.000362
SP5 5QP 1 50.958678 -1.97049
SP5 5QQ 0 50.953808 -2.0017
SP5 5QR 0 50.963681 -1.987546
SP5 5QS 0 50.9761 -1.977095
SP5 5QT 0 50.967563 -1.963841
SP5 5QU 0 50.96569 -1.964434
SP5 5QW 0 50.958886 -2.094519
SP5 5QX 1 50.960353 -1.951566
SP5 5QY 0 50.974106 -1.960738
SP5 5QZ 0 50.975735 -1.964611