all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 1BJ 2 0 51.106937 -1.665173
SP5 1BL 1 0 51.104386 -1.693697
SP5 1BN 6 0 51.112192 -1.670717
SP5 1BP 17 9 51.1184 -1.615839
SP5 1BW 24 3 51.117677 -1.637404
SP5 1BQ 3 0 51.100339 -1.648722
SP5 1BS 5 1 51.115418 -1.615809
SP5 1BU 10 0 51.11837 -1.640527
SP5 1BX 12 0 51.118535 -1.641383
SP5 1BY 5 2 51.122016 -1.635812
SP5 1BZ 14 0 51.128168 -1.622103
SP5 1DA 6 0 51.129269 -1.626209
SP5 1DB 5 0 51.109286 -1.657596
SP5 1DG 2 0 51.079597 -1.700231
SP5 1DH 12 0 51.083221 -1.696838
SP5 1DJ 3 0 51.083104 -1.698163
SP5 1DL 3 0 51.082908 -1.698649
SP5 1DP 3 0 51.082639 -1.699108
SP5 1DQ 20 2 51.081805 -1.698603
SP5 1DR 3 0 51.082432 -1.698752