all postcodes in SP6 / FORDINGBRIDGE

find any address or company within the SP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP6 1PH 0 50.933055 -1.823308
SP6 1PJ 0 50.932239 -1.824044
SP6 1PL 0 50.932339 -1.825331
SP6 1PN 0 50.932681 -1.824597
SP6 1PP 2 50.933255 -1.824616
SP6 1PQ 1 50.931826 -1.823988
SP6 1PR 0 50.933179 -1.826815
SP6 1PS 0 50.933513 -1.827995
SP6 1PT 1 50.930652 -1.828098
SP6 1PU 0 50.927998 -1.831857
SP6 1PW 0 50.932852 -1.824909
SP6 1PX 1 50.930487 -1.838202
SP6 1PY 0 50.934602 -1.829706
SP6 1PZ 0 50.935485 -1.830457
SP6 1QA 0 50.935629 -1.83114
SP6 1QB 0 50.935054 -1.831412
SP6 1QD 4 50.936521 -1.831043
SP6 1QE 0 50.935408 -1.826252
SP6 1QF 0 50.936115 -1.824933
SP6 1QG 1 50.942941 -1.824017