all postcodes in SP7 / SHAFTESBURY

find any address or company within the SP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP7 9PX 12 3 51.009165 -2.238863
SP7 9PY 11 1 51.006986 -2.229963
SP7 9PZ 2 0 51.00659 -2.226763
SP7 9QA 1 1 51.019709 -2.216182
SP7 9QB 16 0 51.029533 -2.215325
SP7 9QF 19 0 51.035518 -2.220977
SP7 9QG 24 0 51.036497 -2.221352
SP7 9QH 33 0 51.031137 -2.216863
SP7 9QJ 96 82 51.01744 -2.187032
SP7 9QL 34 0 51.031266 -2.215366
SP7 9QN 3 0 51.031612 -2.217935
SP7 9QQ 8 0 51.030304 -2.21539
SP7 9QR 5 3 51.04603 -2.180109
SP7 9LW 0 51.004216 -2.139691
SP7 9WZ 1 1 51.009699 -2.191633
SP7 9WY 1 51.009699 -2.191633
SP7 9NN 0 51.033648 -2.220739
SP7 9NW 0 51.033696 -2.218914
SP7 9LU 16 0 51.03374 -2.219513
SP7 9WL 1 51.009699 -2.191633