all postcodes in SP9 / TIDWORTH

find any address or company within the SP9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP9 7AL 3 3 51.227538 -1.670943
SP9 7JZ 16 0 51.242906 -1.666605
SP9 7LQ 7 0 51.24342 -1.667289
SP9 7BS 2 2 51.234321 -1.668818
SP9 7BF 7 0 51.240176 -1.664849
SP9 7FJ 21 0 51.239645 -1.66458
SP9 7FN 18 0 51.240921 -1.667436
SP9 7PS 5 51.234447 -1.661152
SP9 7FW 10 0 51.234865 -1.662796
SP9 7FP 0 51.246427 -1.663502
SP9 7FQ 0 51.247656 -1.66445
SP9 7FR 0 51.2468 -1.66476
SP9 7FS 0 51.246357 -1.662955
SP9 7FT 0 51.246101 -1.664404
SP9 7FU 0 51.244645 -1.662828
SP9 7FX 0 51.245463 -1.664595
SP9 7FY 0 51.244818 -1.663557
SP9 7FZ 0 51.24484 -1.664832
SP9 7GP 0 51.244208 -1.664163
SP9 7GR 0 51.244355 -1.662185