all postcodes in SR1 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
SR1 2QT054.902384-1.377468
SR1 2QW054.902369-1.378092
SR1 2QY154.903349-1.376532
SR1 2RB154.903792-1.376854
SR1 2RD054.903155-1.377191
SR1 2RE054.909616-1.375282
SR1 2RH154.908914-1.375338
SR1 2RN054.902853-1.372564
SR1 2RP054.902562-1.375485
SR1 2RQ154.909173-1.374884
SR1 2RR054.902653-1.37553
SR1 2RS054.902811-1.376573
SR1 2RT054.902414-1.376298
SR1 2RU054.90207-1.374274
SR1 2RX054.902517-1.37363
SR1 2RY054.902326-1.373212
SR1 2YG154.918376-1.420249
SR1 2YJ154.918376-1.420249
SR1 2YN154.918376-1.420249
SR1 2AT91054.909193-1.371779