all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 3BY 16 0 54.877251 -1.423457
SR3 3BZ 26 0 54.876255 -1.423721
SR3 3DA 18 0 54.876804 -1.424056
SR3 3DB 14 0 54.875681 -1.424103
SR3 3DD 4 0 54.876009 -1.424909
SR3 3DE 39 4 54.877974 -1.424288
SR3 3DF 16 0 54.878632 -1.424871
SR3 3DG 5 0 54.879827 -1.424652
SR3 3DH 34 0 54.877892 -1.427874
SR3 3DJ 25 3 54.877599 -1.426725
SR3 3DL 21 0 54.878635 -1.425401
SR3 3DN 4 0 54.878086 -1.425251
SR3 3DP 43 0 54.877077 -1.420982
SR3 3DQ 37 0 54.87924 -1.426078
SR3 3DR 21 0 54.876315 -1.421289
SR3 3DS 65 1 54.875784 -1.421047
SR3 3DT 10 0 54.875037 -1.420808
SR3 3DW 22 0 54.877885 -1.420643
SR3 3DX 6 0 54.872522 -1.424989
SR3 3DY 21 0 54.874663 -1.425473