all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 4BH 0 54.885016 -1.425482
SR3 4BJ 0 54.883736 -1.428477
SR3 4BQ 0 54.884494 -1.425365
SR3 4BX 5 54.888223 -1.417704
SR3 4BY 1 54.885012 -1.422785
SR3 4DF 3 54.888314 -1.419745
SR3 4DG 1 54.88937 -1.420868
SR3 4DH 0 54.890262 -1.421214
SR3 4DJ 0 54.890326 -1.419716
SR3 4DL 0 54.889749 -1.419241
SR3 4DN 0 54.890391 -1.420183
SR3 4DP 0 54.8909 -1.421236
SR3 4DQ 0 54.889348 -1.420057
SR3 4DR 0 54.891569 -1.420291
SR3 4DS 0 54.89117 -1.42145
SR3 4DT 0 54.89139 -1.422195
SR3 4DU 0 54.891191 -1.423882
SR3 4DW 0 54.891061 -1.419253
SR3 4DX 0 54.890795 -1.423856
SR3 4DY 1 54.890292 -1.423863