all postcodes in SR5 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR5 9HB 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9HL 1 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9HN 1 1 54.918384 -1.420262
SR5 9HX 1 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9GE 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9GJ 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9TL 1 54.901393 -1.382302
SR5 9TN 1 54.901393 -1.382302
SR5 9TP 1 54.901393 -1.382302
SR5 9GY 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9GG 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9GZ 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9FX 1 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9FZ 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9JB 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9JL 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9JQ 1 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9JW 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9LY 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR5 9LZ 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249