all postcodes in SR5 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR5 1HD 18 0 54.919079 -1.391377
SR5 1HE 5 0 54.918144 -1.393091
SR5 1HF 1 1 54.915552 -1.385112
SR5 1HJ 38 0 54.918546 -1.392477
SR5 1HL 42 0 54.918949 -1.392346
SR5 1HN 39 0 54.919246 -1.392404
SR5 1HQ 21 0 54.917779 -1.391942
SR5 1HW 39 0 54.933365 -1.390911
SR5 1JA 16 0 54.916396 -1.383196
SR5 1JB 27 2 54.918117 -1.384275
SR5 1JE 2 2 54.920426 -1.384256
SR5 1JF 7 1 54.918703 -1.386218
SR5 1JG 7 0 54.919489 -1.385364
SR5 1JH 16 0 54.920931 -1.3862
SR5 1JJ 6 0 54.920748 -1.385376
SR5 1JL 12 0 54.921892 -1.386076
SR5 1JN 17 1 54.922698 -1.387187
SR5 1JP 16 0 54.922711 -1.389871
SR5 1JR 24 0 54.921411 -1.390358
SR5 1JT 3 3 54.933043 -1.392992