all postcodes in SR7 / SEAHAM

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR7 0EL 0 54.844991 -1.360926
SR7 0EN 1 54.84456 -1.36263
SR7 0EP 0 54.846189 -1.359848
SR7 0ER 0 54.845419 -1.36025
SR7 0ES 0 54.843851 -1.359728
SR7 0ET 0 54.843332 -1.359847
SR7 0EU 0 54.842369 -1.359691
SR7 0EW 0 54.845644 -1.362084
SR7 0EX 0 54.842038 -1.360239
SR7 0EY 0 54.842376 -1.359177
SR7 0EZ 0 54.842625 -1.35883
SR7 0HA 0 54.843454 -1.359253
SR7 0HB 4 54.845868 -1.3758
SR7 0HH 0 54.840551 -1.367614
SR7 0HJ 3 54.838843 -1.367609
SR7 0HN 0 54.841547 -1.367411
SR7 0HP 2 54.84197 -1.36608
SR7 0HR 2 54.842541 -1.366711
SR7 0HS 2 54.843815 -1.367968
SR7 0HT 0 54.843059 -1.367824