all postcodes in SR8 / PETERLEE

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR8 1PW 26 0 54.745561 -1.362243
SR8 1PX 1 1 54.749225 -1.358223
SR8 1PY 40 0 54.748717 -1.357487
SR8 1PZ 69 0 54.745994 -1.357388
SR8 1QA 40 0 54.746797 -1.356367
SR8 1QB 5 4 54.748249 -1.342285
SR8 1QG 3 0 54.749087 -1.336135
SR8 1QH 23 0 54.748726 -1.359273
SR8 1QJ 14 0 54.74813 -1.360416
SR8 1QL 5 0 54.749223 -1.361456
SR8 1QN 8 0 54.747937 -1.361352
SR8 1QP 51 0 54.748289 -1.361501
SR8 1QR 2 2 54.755805 -1.336925
SR8 1QW 12 0 54.747488 -1.361359
SR8 1WX 1 1 54.757941 -1.333286
SR8 1WY 1 1 54.757941 -1.333286
SR8 1FB 0 54.754805 -1.341541
SR8 1AU 1 1 54.749619 -1.352982
SR8 1FA 58 0 54.75943 -1.342663