all postcodes in SR8 / PETERLEE

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR8 1BW 9 6 54.7588 -1.334142
SR8 1BX 9 0 54.759338 -1.340363
SR8 1BZ 10 0 54.745175 -1.353892
SR8 1DA 27 1 54.761255 -1.341095
SR8 1DB 21 0 54.759987 -1.342499
SR8 1DD 11 0 54.761281 -1.342571
SR8 1DE 17 3 54.756931 -1.344102
SR8 1DF 31 0 54.757634 -1.341216
SR8 1DG 17 0 54.756911 -1.340357
SR8 1DH 21 0 54.756266 -1.34245
SR8 1DL 1 0 54.755267 -1.343756
SR8 1DN 23 0 54.755282 -1.343321
SR8 1DP 10 0 54.754935 -1.342301
SR8 1DQ 26 0 54.757072 -1.341847
SR8 1DS 7 0 54.754991 -1.340979
SR8 1DT 31 0 54.754323 -1.340446
SR8 1DU 14 0 54.754396 -1.342341
SR8 1DX 14 0 54.753634 -1.342633
SR8 1DY 1 0 54.753367 -1.343181
SR8 1DZ 59 0 54.754315 -1.343942