all postcodes in SS12 / WICKFORD

find any address or company within the SS12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS12 9BB 0 51.608252 0.527
SS12 9BD 0 51.608612 0.527843
SS12 9BE 0 51.607343 0.528278
SS12 9BG 0 51.607221 0.532286
SS12 9BH 0 51.60634 0.519325
SS12 9BJ 0 51.607725 0.518911
SS12 9BL 0 51.608078 0.520072
SS12 9BN 0 51.606723 0.51991
SS12 9BP 0 51.608426 0.52142
SS12 9BQ 0 51.606553 0.529909
SS12 9BS 0 51.608941 0.519657
SS12 9BT 0 51.606591 0.520625
SS12 9BU 0 51.608088 0.52169
SS12 9BW 0 51.606752 0.52319
SS12 9BX 0 51.607106 0.521347
SS12 9BY 0 51.607125 0.520048
SS12 9BZ 0 51.607606 0.520652
SS12 9DA 0 51.606575 0.522198
SS12 9DB 0 51.607592 0.52172
SS12 9DD 0 51.607446 0.522275