all postcodes in SS13 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS13 1BG 0 51.580861 0.515577
SS13 1BH 0 51.580542 0.516195
SS13 1BJ 16 51.584587 0.520085
SS13 1BQ 0 51.580236 0.514951
SS13 1BS 3 51.587519 0.499487
SS13 1BT 0 51.589386 0.500066
SS13 1BW 6 51.581151 0.496972
SS13 1BX 2 51.589715 0.502336
SS13 1BY 2 51.585341 0.51721
SS13 1BZ 0 51.589256 0.502802
SS13 1DA 5 51.585431 0.508149
SS13 1DB 1 51.58869 0.507405
SS13 1DD 3 51.584302 0.512404
SS13 1DF 3 51.585023 0.51123
SS13 1DH 7 51.584664 0.504282
SS13 1DJ 14 51.586405 0.518771
SS13 1DN 10 51.585479 0.502796
SS13 1DQ 1 51.584133 0.50138
SS13 1DT 1 51.583985 0.51354
SS13 1DU 0 51.583369 0.515643